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Try our Credit Restoration

Credit Restoration

Credit Restoration Company

Submit your credit report to begin the credit restoration process. Our team will contact you for a free consultation to explain how we can help you restore your credit.

Do you know how long a negative item stays on your credit report? Depending on what it is, it can stay there for 7-10 years. That’s a long time to pay for a mistake. Filing for bankruptcy won’t make it go away and neither will simply be paying off your debt. That item will still be there, taunting you every time you apply for credit.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t a way to fix the problem. You can restore your good name and your credit score through credit restoration.

Credit Restoration
Credit Restoration

What Is Credit Restoration?

Credit restoration is the process of removing negative items from your credit report the legal way. Instead of waiting 7-10 years for the negative items to go away, they can disappear in as little as 45 days. Once the items are gone, your credit score will go up and you can get credit again.

This might sound too good to be true, but you need to understand something. Around 79 percent of all credit reports contain errors or unverifiable information. If the creditor can’t prove the information, the credit bureau must take it off your report.

You might wonder why more people don’t do something about this. The main reason is they don’t know how. Dealing with credit bureaus can be complex and confusing. Unless you know who to speak to and what to say, all of that unverifiable information will stay on your credit report.

Fortunately, Great American Credit Repair is here to help.

Let a Financial Powerhouse Work for You

If you use Great American Credit Repair’s credit restoration services, you won’t have to do much at all. The entire process begins with a FREE consultation where we will go over your credit report with you. If you do not have your current credit report, we will tell you how to get it so you can send it to us.

Then, the real work will begin. You won’t have to worry about a thing while we write letters to dispute all of the negative items on your credit report. We will send letters to all three bureaus as well as every creditor reporting negatively. Once the letters are received, creditors will have thirty days to prove the debt is valid.

If they can’t prove it, the credit bureaus have to remove it.

Tracking Your Results

You can track all of your results with the Client Tracking Portal. You will get to watch negative items vanish from your reports. Then, if they come back, we will send another letter to try to get the item permanently removed. This puts the burden of proof back on the creditor. We always work to get permanent results for our clients.

Fast and Legal

Many of our clients see results in 45-90 days. Best of all, these results are completely legal. Unlike scammers who open new credit files, we operate entirely within the law, which means you can benefit from your improved credit score without worries.

Credit restoration is within your grasp. You might feel as if all hope is lost, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Get the help you need by signing up for your FREE consultation today!

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