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Credit Counseling

Credit Counseling Company

Credit counseling professionals at Great American Credit Repair are second to none. We know the best tools for financial success is knowledge.

Our team has years of industry experience and expertise to give you practical advice on how to manage your finances. From debt management to budgeting, to general financial education, our team of professionals is here to help.

Through credit counseling, our expert team can teach you the skills you need to get on the path to financial success. By learning how to make sound financial decisions today, you can pave the way to a secure future.

Credit Counseling

What is Credit Counseling?

Credit counseling is a process used to help individuals and/or couples with debt settlement using a variety of tools and strategies. The goal is to reduce debt in the short term with the ultimate goal of eventually eliminating debt completely.

Credit counseling can include:

  • Financial Assessment – Our experts will evaluate your income, assets, debt, credit reports, and spending habits in order to gain a complete picture of your finances. At this time we will also help you discover your financial goals so we can help you achieve them as quickly as possible.
  • Debt Solutions – Most consumers are either unaware of the wide range of options available to manage debt or are confused about which options might suit their needs best. This is where our expert team can help guide you. Based on your financial assessment, we will explore options to help manage your current debt such as credit repair, debt consolidation, debt repayment, and/or bankruptcy. Great American Credit Repair uses effective, proven strategies for debt repair and will never participate in illegal practices.
  • Budgeting – Every good financial plan starts with a budget. Not surprisingly, most people aren’t even sure where to start. Based on your financial assessment, our team can set you up with a realistic personal and household monthly budget. We’ll teach you how to use your budget to meet your family’s needs while avoiding living beyond your means. This process can take time and may require adjustments along the way. A comprehensive budget is a key factor in achieving financial success.
  • Financial Education – The more you know about finances, the more financially independent you will be. Our counselors spend valuable time teaching you basic financial skills such as developing smart spending habits, budgeting, building credit and using credit wisely. These important skills will help you to make smart decisions and bring you closer to achieving your financial goals.

Who Needs Credit Counseling?

Anyone can benefit from credit counseling. Whether you are in deep financial trouble, are just looking for a financial check-up, or fall somewhere in between, Great American Credit Repair offers services which can benefit each and every client.

You would never skip a check-up with your doctor for your medical health, so why would you skip one for your financial health? Knowing if you are on the right path to financial freedom is an appointment you don’t want to miss.

Call Great American Credit Repair today for a FREE consultation and we’ll show you how you take charge of your finances TODAY!

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